125 years ago Carl Benz filed his "Vehicle with gas engine drive" un-der Patent number 37435 at the Berlin Patent Office, becoming the creator of the world's first automobile. To mark this historic achievement Mercedes-Benz is celebrating the birthday of the first automobile worldwide. Mercedes-Benz India also celebrated in style the 125th birth anniversary of the first automobile, in the presence of its entire Board of Management at a specially hosted party.
Speaking on the occasion Peter T Honegg, Managing Director and CEO, Mercedes-Benz India said: "Mercedes-Benz invented the automobile and has gone on to shape the history of motoring and we are immensely proud of this fact. In fact almost 80% of the patents related to the automobile domain come from the Mercedes-Benz stable. As the inventor of the first automobile, we also claim to shape the future of mobility with fascinating brands, greener technolo-gies and new business opportunities."
"Best or nothing" is Mercedes-Benz's guiding motto and it inspires us to de-liver the best to our customers in terms of technology, safety, innovations, comfort, luxury as well as customer satisfaction and vehicle ownership experience. This has been our focus and will remain for the next 125 years as well" Honegg further added.
Mercedes-Benz India was the first luxury automobile manufacturer in the country starting its operations way back in 1995. In India just like in other parts of the world, the spirit of innovation in pioneering continues to define Mercedes-Benz.
Driven by "Passion for Innovation" Mercedes-Benz India has constantly redefined the bench-mark of luxury motoring for the discerning Indian customers, both young and tradi-tional. The company today has 40 offerings with 12 products, the densest network of 58 touchpoints located across 27 Indian cities, one of the shortest time to market of launches for the Indian customers. Mercedes-Benz India's operations based out of its facility in Chakan near Pune carrying an investment of over Rs. 600 crores, is widely recognized as the best CKD plant in the world within the Daimler family.
Mercedes-Benz India went into a product offensive in the year 2010 by launching as many as 24 new products. The company's growth also stayed ahead of the industry growth curve as it clocked an impressive 80% sale in the period January-December 2010 compared to the same period in 2009.
Today India is widely recognized as one of the fastest growing luxury markets primar-ily because Indians live global lifestyles and are increasingly driving the design and vehicle development trends and Mercedes-Benz India is ready to excite the Indian customers in 2011 with its 'Best or Nothing' motto.
Mercedes-Benz's strategy for the Indian market have been focused upon offering a comprehensive product portfolio, delivering the highest value to the customer as well as ensuring world class sales, af-ter sales and vehicle ownership experience. These initiatives coupled with aggressive product launches and network enhancement to smaller towns and cities have rein-forced the strong traction with Indian market.
Source: Mercedes-Benz India
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