Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. said on Friday that it has sold a total of 121,952 vehicles in March 2011, representing an increase of 28.2% over the same period of last year. Domestic sales in the month under review were up almost 39% at 110,424 units while exports dropped 26% to 11,528 units.
Maruti Suzuki said that its March sales in the A2 segment rose by an impressive 43% to 78,460 units while sales in the A3 segment climbed 33% to 13,910 units. Sales in the C segment climbed by 32.6% to 14,416 units.
Maruti 800 sales went up by 5.5% at 2,915 units. Maruti Suzuki sold 103 units of the Kizashi luxury sports car in March. It was launched in February.
Overall sales for FY11 rose by nearly 25% at 1.27mn vehicles, with domestic sales growing 30.1% at 1.13mn units while exports fell by 6.3% to 138,266 units.
The shares of Maruti Suzuki advanced by 1% at Rs. 1,286, up by Rs. 22, as against the previous close of Rs. 1,263.
It had earlier opened at the day's low of Rs. 1,248 and a high of Rs. 1,289.
The total traded quantity stood at 0.42 lakh shares on the BSE.
Source: Maruti Suzuki India Ltd.
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